MUTTON SOUP (Sup Kambing)

Mutton is considered a warm meat, good for the blood, especially for those who feel cold all the time. Spices used in this Indian-Muslim soup are health-giving.


600 g mutton shanks with bone
12 g garlic
12 g young ginger
126 g onions(1)
192 g potatoes
132 g carrots
168 g onions(2)
66 g palm olein (cooking oil)
3 cardamom pads
1 inch cinnamon stick
1 star anise
42 g rempah sup
3 litres water
2 teaspoons turmeric powder
30 g poppy seed powder (kas kas powder)
1 teaspoon fried shallots
6 g spring onions
2 teaspoons white pepper powder
18 g salt


Method :
Cut mutton shanks. Peel and mince ginger, onions and garlic.
Peel potatoes, onions and carrots and cut into wedges.
Heat palm olein and saute cardamoms, star anise and cinnamon.
Add minced garlic , ginger and onions and add rempah sup.
Fill up with 1/3 of the water and bring to a boil.
Add turmeric powder, potatoes and carrots.
Fill up with the remaining water and bring to a boil.
Add onion wedges and simmer until almost cooked.
Dissolve poppy seed powder in water and add
to the soup.
Cook until vegetables are mashed up, add meat and boil
until tender.
Add more water if required. Season with salt and pepper and
garnish with fried shallots and spring onions.

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