Chicken rice is a food of Chinese that is often associated with food Malaysia or Singapore, and also found in countries neighboring Thailand, and also in the region Hainan. The dish consists of the actual rice, cooked in chicken stock, served with chicken cooked till it is very tender. Chicken rice is eaten as a meal by itself. This recipe is courtesy of the Food Exhibition at North Malaysia Week in Adelaide 1977.


Ingredients for Chicken:
1 chicken, weighing about 1 1/2 - 2 kilo
1 star anise pip
1 stalk spring onion
1 tsp lihght soya sauce
Large pot of water, enough to immerse chicken entirely
Ingredients for Rice:
1 kilo long grain rice - washed and drained
2 tablespoon cookin oil
2 tablespoon of ginger juice -obtained by finely chopping fresh ginger and squeezing the juice in a garlic press
2 cloves garlic
2 pints of chicken stock
Ingredients for Chillie Sauce:
4 chillies
2 tablespoon chicken stock
Salt to taste
Ingredients for Ginger Sauce
1 piece of ginger, about the size of the thumb, pounded
2 teaspoonchicken stock


Method for Chicken:
1. Clean chicken and hang till dry.
2. Put spring onions and star anise into cavity.
3. Bring a large pot of water to boil.
4. Dip chicken into boiling water 2 or 3 times before immersing the entire chicken.
5. Bring water to the boil again, then cover pot and turn off the fire completely.
6. Leave the chicken in the pot for 1/2 hour.
7. Remove, drain and cut into serving pieces.
8. Pour light soya sauce over the cut chicken before serving.
Method for Rice:
1. Heat pan, and fry the rice in the oil with garlic and ginger juice.
2. Bring to the boil the chicken stock, and add to the rice.
3. Boil the rice till the stock is absorbed.
4. Lower flame till smallest possible, cover the pan tightly for 20 minutes, then serve.
Method for Chillie Sauce:
Pound the chillies, and then add in the salt and stock and serve on a small dish.
Method for Ginger sauce:
Add pounded ginger to chicken stock, mix well and serve on a small side dish.

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