Caremel CheeseCake

Chocolate Marie Biscuit Crust:
150g chocolate marie biscuits.
130g melted unsalted butter.
30g chocolate chips.

Caramel Cheese Filling:
500g softened cream cheese.
60g softened butter.
70g soft brown sugar.
50g golden syrup.
1 1/2 tbsp corn flour.
2 eggs.
60g dairy whipping cream.
1 tsp vanilla essence.


1. Chocolate Marie Biscuit Crust: Crush biscuits into crumbs. Place crumbs in a mixing bowl, add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Press crumb mixture evenly onto bottom of a 8"/20cm loose base square tin. Chill in the fridge until firm.

2. Caramel Cheese Filling: Beat cream cheese, butter and soft brown sugar until smooth. Add in golden syrup, corn flour and mix well.

3. Add in eggs one at a time and mix well. Stir in dairy whipping cream, vanilla and mix well.

4. Pour cheese mixture onto crust, level the surface and bake at 160ºC for 35 minutes, or until center is set.

5. Let cake cool in the oven with the heat off for about 1 hour before taking it out
to prevent sinking. Chill in the fridge for about 6 hours or overnight before serving.

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