Daging rendang is a classic, traditional dish among the Malays, and different states in Malaysia have their own versions of it. It could be fiery, with small green chillies in it, or dark and topped with young coconut. Another version has it dry, almost like a spicy meat floss. In the northern states of Malaysia, kerisik or fried and pounded coconut is always added to it. Daging rendang is also for festive occasions such as Hari Raya which the Muslims celebrate after the fasting month. The night before the big day, women of the household would be preparing this delicacy, simmering it slowly over a fire.


50 g onions
5 g garlic
8 g young ginger
12 g lemon grass
600 g beef
10 g palm olein (cooking oil)
80 g cili boh (See page 24)
10 g rempah basah (See page 20)
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/4 can coconut cream
10 g fried coconut (fresh, roasted coconut)
450 ml water
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 turmeric leaf


Peel and mince onions, garlic, ginger and lemon grass. Cut
beef into
cubes. Heat palm olein and fry onions, garlic, ginger,
lemon grass and
turmeric leaf until nicely browned. Add cili boh and stir
well. Add
rempah basah and turmeric powder and continue stirring. Add
the meat
and stir well. Add coconut cream and fried coconut. Fill up
with water
and simmer until the meat is tender. Add seasoning and
simmer until
liquid is almost evaporated.

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Ingredients :
480 g oxtail45 g onions
9 g young ginger
30 g carrots
30 g celery
1 teaspoon garlic
15 g palm olein (cooking oil)
15 g kurma curry powder
1 star anise small piece of cinnamon stick
2 cloves
1.2 litres beef stock
1/3 teaspoon white pepper
1/3 tablespoon salt
60 g shallots
30 g spring onions
30 g Chinese celery


Method :
Cut oxtail into cubes.
Peel onions, ginger, carrots and dice.
Cut celery into slices.
Saute all vegetables in palm olein, add spices and kurma powder.
Stir until well blended.
Fill up with stock and add oxtail.
Simmer until oxtail is tender.
Take oxtail out and strain soup.
Chop spring onions and Chinese celery.
Slice shallots and deep fry till crispy.
Place oxtail in bowls, fill up with the seasoned soup and
sprinkle with spring onions and celery.
Top with the fried shallots.

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MUTTON SOUP (Sup Kambing)

Mutton is considered a warm meat, good for the blood, especially for those who feel cold all the time. Spices used in this Indian-Muslim soup are health-giving.


600 g mutton shanks with bone
12 g garlic
12 g young ginger
126 g onions(1)
192 g potatoes
132 g carrots
168 g onions(2)
66 g palm olein (cooking oil)
3 cardamom pads
1 inch cinnamon stick
1 star anise
42 g rempah sup
3 litres water
2 teaspoons turmeric powder
30 g poppy seed powder (kas kas powder)
1 teaspoon fried shallots
6 g spring onions
2 teaspoons white pepper powder
18 g salt


Method :
Cut mutton shanks. Peel and mince ginger, onions and garlic.
Peel potatoes, onions and carrots and cut into wedges.
Heat palm olein and saute cardamoms, star anise and cinnamon.
Add minced garlic , ginger and onions and add rempah sup.
Fill up with 1/3 of the water and bring to a boil.
Add turmeric powder, potatoes and carrots.
Fill up with the remaining water and bring to a boil.
Add onion wedges and simmer until almost cooked.
Dissolve poppy seed powder in water and add
to the soup.
Cook until vegetables are mashed up, add meat and boil
until tender.
Add more water if required. Season with salt and pepper and
garnish with fried shallots and spring onions.

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About Me

After I graduated from college, I had a lot of free time on my hands. I had to get a hobby, so I started to cook.

In this blog i dedicate to give you the best of Original Malaysian Recipes and It has been a wonderful way to organize my recipes and share them at the same time.

Malaysian food comes from many sources of ingredients and spices, from various kinds of chillies, ginger, shallot, turmeric to coconut milk. Combining those natural spicy ingredients provides you unique dishes from Malaysia, the islands of spices...

To All food lovers, I really encourage you to try the taste of Malaysia foods, most of them are spicy and have exotic tastes you've never experienced before.

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Caremel CheeseCake

Chocolate Marie Biscuit Crust:
150g chocolate marie biscuits.
130g melted unsalted butter.
30g chocolate chips.

Caramel Cheese Filling:
500g softened cream cheese.
60g softened butter.
70g soft brown sugar.
50g golden syrup.
1 1/2 tbsp corn flour.
2 eggs.
60g dairy whipping cream.
1 tsp vanilla essence.


1. Chocolate Marie Biscuit Crust: Crush biscuits into crumbs. Place crumbs in a mixing bowl, add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Press crumb mixture evenly onto bottom of a 8"/20cm loose base square tin. Chill in the fridge until firm.

2. Caramel Cheese Filling: Beat cream cheese, butter and soft brown sugar until smooth. Add in golden syrup, corn flour and mix well.

3. Add in eggs one at a time and mix well. Stir in dairy whipping cream, vanilla and mix well.

4. Pour cheese mixture onto crust, level the surface and bake at 160ºC for 35 minutes, or until center is set.

5. Let cake cool in the oven with the heat off for about 1 hour before taking it out
to prevent sinking. Chill in the fridge for about 6 hours or overnight before serving.

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Nasi Lemak

Nasi lemak is a dish of Malay origin, eaten throughout Malaysia, by all the races. Nasi Lemak, literally translated is 'Fatty Rice'. It is actually rice cooked in coconut cream and served with sambal udang/ikan bilis, fried or boiled eggs, fried ikan bilis, fried peanuts and cucumber. Of course, it can be served with more elaborate curries too...the variation on whai it is served with varies from region to region and family to family. Nasi Lemak is traditionally eaten as breakfast, but it is now eaten as a meal, mainly for lunch. It is ideal as packed lunches for picnics too.


Ingredients for Rice:
4 cups rice, washed and drained
2 shallots, finely sliced
1 garlic, finely sliced
1 cardamon seed
2 small skices of fresh ginger
3 cups fairly thick coconut cream
Ingredients for Asam Prawns
1/2 kilo very fresh large prawns - with shells removed around its middle, head and tails left on.
2 teaspoon tamarind soaked in 4 teaspoon water, with salt to taste.
Cooking oil to deep fry.
Fresh cucumber to garnish.
Ingredients for Sambal Ikan Bilis
200 gms ikan bilis, with head and intestines removed, then washed and drained.
4 dried chillies, finely ground
5 shallots or 1 small onion, finel sliced.
1 teaspoon lime juice - to taste.
4-6 teaspoon cooking oil.
Pinc of salt
1 cup coconut cream.


Method for Rice:
1. Place rice, shallots, garlic, cardamon seed, ginger and salt in the rice cooker. Pour in the coconut millk.
2. Close the lid and allow it to cook
Method for Asam Prawns:
1. Clean the prwans. Marinade prawn in the tamarind, for at least 1/2 hour.
2. Deep fry prawns in fairly high heat and till parwns turn golden brown, then neatly arrange on a dish edged with sliced cucumber.
Method for Sambal Ikan Bilis:
1. Fry onions and chille paste well.
2. Add ikan bilis and fry till crisp
3. Add lime juice, coconut cream and sugar.
4. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.
Note: Nasi Lemak can be served, hot or cold, with asam prawn, sambal ikan bilis, boiled or fried eggs, cucumber slices and fried ikan bilis and fried peanuts.

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Chicken rice is a food of Chinese that is often associated with food Malaysia or Singapore, and also found in countries neighboring Thailand, and also in the region Hainan. The dish consists of the actual rice, cooked in chicken stock, served with chicken cooked till it is very tender. Chicken rice is eaten as a meal by itself. This recipe is courtesy of the Food Exhibition at North Malaysia Week in Adelaide 1977.


Ingredients for Chicken:
1 chicken, weighing about 1 1/2 - 2 kilo
1 star anise pip
1 stalk spring onion
1 tsp lihght soya sauce
Large pot of water, enough to immerse chicken entirely
Ingredients for Rice:
1 kilo long grain rice - washed and drained
2 tablespoon cookin oil
2 tablespoon of ginger juice -obtained by finely chopping fresh ginger and squeezing the juice in a garlic press
2 cloves garlic
2 pints of chicken stock
Ingredients for Chillie Sauce:
4 chillies
2 tablespoon chicken stock
Salt to taste
Ingredients for Ginger Sauce
1 piece of ginger, about the size of the thumb, pounded
2 teaspoonchicken stock


Method for Chicken:
1. Clean chicken and hang till dry.
2. Put spring onions and star anise into cavity.
3. Bring a large pot of water to boil.
4. Dip chicken into boiling water 2 or 3 times before immersing the entire chicken.
5. Bring water to the boil again, then cover pot and turn off the fire completely.
6. Leave the chicken in the pot for 1/2 hour.
7. Remove, drain and cut into serving pieces.
8. Pour light soya sauce over the cut chicken before serving.
Method for Rice:
1. Heat pan, and fry the rice in the oil with garlic and ginger juice.
2. Bring to the boil the chicken stock, and add to the rice.
3. Boil the rice till the stock is absorbed.
4. Lower flame till smallest possible, cover the pan tightly for 20 minutes, then serve.
Method for Chillie Sauce:
Pound the chillies, and then add in the salt and stock and serve on a small dish.
Method for Ginger sauce:
Add pounded ginger to chicken stock, mix well and serve on a small side dish.

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This is a traditional Malay dish that is very good for health. It is usually served for the breaking of fast during Ramadan. It is a cold dish, with many varieties of herbs and aromatic leaves finely shredded and stirred into the rice. The herbs help get rid of wind, are good for the stomach and refresh the body.


27 g dry salted thread fin (ikan kurau)
6 bowls boiled white rice
a small slice of turmeric leaf
a sprig of curry leaves
4 g galangal (lengkuas)
1 teaspoon ginger flower (bunga kantan)
5 g lemon grass
a sprig of daun pegaga
a sprig of daun raja
a sprig of daun kesum
5 g daun kaduk
a large sprig of fresh mint leaves
1 kaffir leaf (daun limau purut)
a sprig of fresh bay leaves
5 g whole black peppercorns
1 salted egg
48 g cucumber


Cut dry salted fish into cubes. Roast until golden brown.
Mince fish
meat finely. Wash all herbs and chop fine. Mix rice with
fish flakes,
chopped herbs, crushed pepper and mix the ingredients until
the rice
is loose and herbs are well mixed. Season to taste. Peel
and slice
salted egg. Slice cucumbers. Place rice in a container and
with salted egg and cucumber slices.

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Jelly (Agar-Agar)

Agar-agar soothes the digestive tract and is considered an excellent food for children. It is rich in iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorous and Vitamins A, B, C, D and K. A natural food from the sea, it is believed to bind with toxins in the body and expells them.


300 ml water
4.5 g dried agar-agar
108 g sugar
1/4 old coconut
1/4 teaspoon rose essence


Bring water to a boil and add sugar and agar-agar.
Simmer until dissolved. Squeeze milk out of grated coconut.
Add coconut milk and rose essence.
Strain and portion jelly mixture into glasses or moulds.
Chill well.

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Nasi minyak reflects the Indian influence in the use of ghee and spices but it is a dish that the Malays have adopted as their own, and it is a must at weddings and celebrations, accompanied by meat curries such as mutton kurma and beef rendang.


450 g rice
8 g onions
3 g young ginger
1 clove garlic
120 g vanaspati (vegetable ghee)
1 clove
1 cardamom pod
a piece of cinnamon stick
1 star anise
1 pandan leaf (screwpine)
300 ml chicken stock
1/2 can evaporated milk


Wash the rice well. Peel and slice onions. Peel and chop
ginger, and
garlic. Heat ghee and saute onions, ginger and garlic until
transparent. Add spices and continue simmering until spices
are well
mixed. Fill up with chicken stock, evaporated milk and
bring to boil.
Add pandan leaf. Add rice and cook till done. Season to

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